1. Clean the textile and canvas with the Sneakers Cleaner using the Sneakers Brush or the Shoe Duster.
2. For best painting results, prepare the leather with the Deglazer Leather Preparer, applying it with the Shoe Duster, and let it dry.
3. Before painting, stir the content with a Paint Brush, until a homogeneous color is obtained.
4. Customize, change the color or repair:
4.1. Use a Sponge to cover larger surfaces. With a semi-wringing Paint brush, paint one corner of the sponge and gently rub over with circular moves on the surface.
4.2. Use a Paint Brush for small details or customization.
4.3. Use an Airbrush, read the instructions before using it. Use the Neutral Base – 00, to dilute the paint and maintain its properties.
5. For optimum drying and a better resistance, let it dry for 12 hours.
6. Once the process is finished, wash the Sponge, the Paint Brush or the Airbrush with water or a special product to prevent them from drying out.